Nightingale the Robber (2012)

Solovyov Sevastyanov G., a former clerk, has had enough. From a nondescript background he emerges as Nightingale, a fearless Robber at the head of a band of modern desperadoes. With his pair of Gold Mauser Broomhandle guns, Nightingale and his comrades steal from the rich and corrupt. Winning the hearts of the common people – who even write songs about his escapades – the dashing Hero faces danger on every side.

Law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and even a secret agent, H7, close in on the gang as he restores justice in his native land. A Modern Day Robin Hood, Nightingale is a hero for the 21st century.

Actors: Alexander Strizhenov, Eugene Stychkin, Ivan Okhlobystin, Oksana Fandera, Paul Priluchny, Sergei Badyuk